
Human activity is considered to be one of the most important ingredients of context awareness and ubiquitous computing. During my PhD I focused mainly on the recognition complex activities based on wearable sensors. By spotting isolated gesture-alike events in a continuous data stream, probabilistic temporal models are used to compose such events into higher level activities such as daily routines, or multi-step construction tasks.
Besides my main research direction, several related projects evolved, which are listed on the publication page.
"We are what we repeatly do."
(Aristotle, 384-322 BC)

Projects and Publications

Crowd Behavior

  Crowd Behavior -  The 30k user dataset

ISWC11 PaperCuPid - Technology for

Parkinson's patient


ISWC11 Paper

  Recognizing Complex Activities

  based on Activity Spotting

ISWC11 PaperDomain Adaptation  

ISWC11 Paper

  Indoor location sensing

  by inertial measurement

ISWC11 PaperAll publications  




Invited and seminar talks


  • MRMW. Market Research in the Mobile World. 2014, Germany
  • Socially Ineractive Computing. Sino-German Symposium. 2014, Germany
  • Dagstuhl. Interaction and Collective Movement Processing. 2014, Germany
  • PARC. Contextual Intelligence. 2013, Palo Alto, USA
  • Dagstuhl. Human Activity Recognition in Smart Environments. 2012, Germany
  • Yahoo! Labs. Mobile Innovation Group. 2012, Sunnyvale, USA
  • ETH Zürich. Wearable Computer Lab. 2012, Zürich, Switzerland
  • Winter School Lecture. 2012, Switzerland
  • Microsoft Research Redmond. Computational User Experiences Group. 2011, USA
  • Understanding the process of technology research and its impact on the real world. 2010, Germany

Scientific Involvement

Currently (2013-2014)

  • Associate Editor for The ACM TiiS Activity Recognition for Interaction 2014
  • PC Chair for UrbIOT 2014 ■ MobiCASE 2013
  • PC member for MobiQuitous 2014 ■ ISWC 2014, 2013 ■ Acomore 2014 Workshop ■ IWWISS 2014 Workshop ■ Recognise2Interact 2013 Workshop
  • Publicity Chair for ISWC 2013 ■ UbiComp 2014 ■ MUM 2013
  • Reviewer for MUM 2013 ■ ISWC 2013 ■ Pervasive Computing Magazine ■ Acomore Workshop 2014
  • Session Chair: ISWC Industry track 2013


  • PC member for MobileHCI 2011 ■ AmI 2011 ■ Pervasive Posters, Videos, and Demos 2011 ■ CosDEO Workshop 2011
  • Reviewer for TEI 2012 ■ ISWC (2009-2013) ■ AmI (2010-2011) ■ Pervasive (2008-2012) ■ LoCA 2009 ■ UbiComp (2009-2011) ■ EuroSSC ■ IOT 2010, MobileHCI 2011 ■ Pervasive and Mobile Computing 2010 ■ Pervasive Computing Magazine (2011, 2013)



  • Wearable Systems 1 2013, ETH Zürich (Co-Lecturing)
  • Human Computer Systems SS 2010, TU-Darmstadt (Co-Lecturing 10% and Tutorials)
  • Human Computer Systems SS 2009, TU-Darmstadt (Tutorials)
  • Human Computer Systems SS 2008, TU-Darmstadt (Tutorials)
  • Introduction to Computer Science I WS 2003-2004, TU-Darmstadt (Student assistant)

(Co-)Supervised students:

  • Kelly Steich. Simultaneous Segmentation and Annotation of Video Semantics via Implicit Crowdsourcing. Semester thesis. (with Zack Zhu)
  • Fabian Gasser. What? Where? When? - The Smartphone is Smarter When Using Information From its Sensors. Semester thesis. (with Sinziana Mazilu)
  • Matthias Plociennik. Longterm Motion Capturing. Bachelor thesis.
  • Robert Rehner. Inferring Location and Activities by using Spatial Constraints. Master thesis.
  • Patrick Frankenberger. Visualizing large Information Spaces. Diploma thesis.
  • Johannes Simon. Visualizing Spatio-Temporal Data for Urban Management.
    Bachelor thesis.